☆Northern Sydney(シドニーの北の方角)に位置する公立学校一覧☆
- AsquithBoysHigh School
Jersey St Asquith NSW 2077
- AsquithGirlsHigh School
Stokes Ave Asquith NSW 2077
- BarrenjoeyHigh School
Coonanga Road Avalon NSW 2107
- CarlingfordHigh School http://www.carlingfor-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
North Rocks Rd Carlingford NSW 2118
- CastleHillHigh School
Castle St Castle Hill NSW 2154
- ChatswoodHigh School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre
24 Centennial Ave Chatswood NSW 2067
- CherrybrookTechnologyHigh School
28-44 Purchase Rd Cherrybrook NSW 2126
- DavidsonHigh School
Mimosa St Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
- EppingBoysHigh School
213 Vimiera Rd Eastwood NSW 2122
- GalstonHigh School
403 Galston Rd Galston NSW 2159
- HuntersHillHigh School
Reiby Rd Hunters Hill NSW 2110
- KillarneyHeightsHigh School http://www.khhs.nsw.edu.au
Starkey St Killarney Heights NSW 2087
- Ku-ring-gaiHigh School
Bobbin Head Rd Turramurra North NSW 2074
- MarsdenHigh School and Marsden Intensive English Centre
22a Winbourne St West Ryde NSW 2114
- MosmanHigh School
Military Rd Mosman NSW 2088
- MuirfieldHigh School
Barclay Rd North Rocks NSW 2150
- NarrabeenSportsHigh School
10 Namona St Narrabeen North NSW 2101
- Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Balgowlah Boys Campus
Maretimo St Balgowlah NSW 2093
- Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Cromer Campus
South Creek Rd Cromer NSW 2099
- Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Freshwater Senior Campus
Harbord Rd Harbord NSW 2096
- Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Mackellar Girls Campus
Campbell Pde & Quirk Rd Manly Vale NSW 2093
- PittwaterHigh School
Pittwater Rd & Mona St Mona Vale NSW 2103
- RiversideGirlsHigh School
Huntleys Point Rd Gladesville NSW 2111
- RydeSecondaryCollege
Malvina St Ryde NSW 2112
- St Ives High School
Yarrabung Rd St Ives NSW 2075
- The ForestHigh School http://www.theforest-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
135 Frenchs Forest Rd Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
- TurramurraHigh School
Maxwell St Turramurra South NSW 2074
- WilloughbyGirlsHigh School
Mowbray Rd Willoughby NSW 2068
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