South Western Sydney(シドニーの西側)に位置する公立高校一覧

☆South Western Sydney(シドニーの西側)に位置する公立高校一覧☆


  1. BankstownGirlsHigh School

Mona St Bankstown NSW 2200

  1. BankstownSeniorCollege and Bankstown Intensive English Centre

Antwerp St Bankstown NSW 2200

  1. BelmoreBoysHigh School

Burwood Rd Belmore NSW 2192

  1. Beverly HillsGirlsHigh School and Beverly Hills Intensive English Centre

Broadarrow & King Georges Rds Beverly Hills NSW 2209

  1. BirrongBoysHigh School

Rodd St Birrong NSW 2143

  1. BirrongGirlsHigh School

Cooper Rd Birrong NSW 2143

  1. BonnyriggHigh School

Elizabeth Drive Bonnyrigg NSW 2177

  1. BossleyParkHigh School

Prairievale Rd Bossley Park NSW 2176

  1. CabramattaHigh School and Cabramatta Intensive English Centre

Aladore Ave Cabramatta NSW 2166

  1. CampbelltownHigh School

Beverley Rd Campbelltown NSW 2560

  1. CanleyValeHigh School

Prospect Rd Canley Vale NSW 2166

  1. CasulaHigh School

Myall Rd Casula NSW 2170

  1. ChesterHillHigh School and Chester Hill Intensive English Centre

Kenward Ave Chester Hill NSW 2162

  1. ConcordHigh School

Stanley St Concord NSW 2137

  1. CondellParkHigh School

Third Ave Condell Park NSW 2200

  1. EastHillsBoysHigh School

Lucas Rd Panania NSW 2213

  1. EastHillsGirlsHigh School

Lucas Rd Panania NSW 2213

  1. FairfieldHigh School and Fairfield Intensive English Centre

The Horsley Drive Fairfield NSW 2165

  1. FairvaleHigh School

Thorney Rd & Maude St Fairfield West NSW 2165

  1. GranvilleSouthHigh School

Rowley Rd Guildford NSW 2161

  1. HolroydHigh School and Holroyd Intensive English Centre

7 Cumberland Rd Greystanes NSW 2145

  1. HoxtonParkHigh School

40 Wilson Rd Hinchinbrook NSW 2168

  1. JamesBusbyHigh School

Brolga Cresc Green Valley NSW 2168

  1. LiverpoolBoysHigh School

Forbes St Liverpool NSW 2170

  1. LiverpoolGirlsHigh School

Forbes St Liverpool NSW 2170

  1. MacquarieFieldsHigh School

2 Harold St Macquarie Fields NSW 2564

  1. MerrylandsHigh School

Bristol St Merrylands NSW 2160

  1. MillerHigh School and Miller Intensive English Centre

Cabramatta Ave Miller NSW 2168

  1. MoorebankHigh School                                          

Bangalow Ave Moorebank NSW 2170

  1. PrairiewoodHigh School

Prairievale Rd Wetherill Park NSW 2164

  1. SirJosephBanksHigh School

Turvey St Revesby NSW 2212

  1. St JohnsParkHigh School

Mimosa Rd St Johns Park NSW 2176

  1. StrathfieldGirlsHigh School

Albert Rd Strathfield NSW 2135

  1. StrathfieldSouthHigh School

Hedges Ave Enfield NSW 2136

  1. Wiley ParkGirlsHigh School

The Boulevarde Punchbowl NSW 2196


特徴: シドニーの西は勉強するには静かで最適な環境だといえます。 勉強もしやすい環境ですし、電車を使うと30分~1時間でシティーに来ることが出来ます。 移民も多い地区なのでいろいろな国の人々が住んでいます。




Northern Sydney(シドニーの北) に位置する公立高校一覧と詳細

☆Northern Sydney(シドニーの北の方角)に位置する公立学校一覧☆

  1. AsquithBoysHigh School

Jersey St Asquith NSW 2077

  1. AsquithGirlsHigh School

Stokes Ave Asquith NSW 2077

  1. BarrenjoeyHigh School

Coonanga Road Avalon NSW 2107

  1. CarlingfordHigh School                         

North Rocks Rd Carlingford NSW 2118

  1. CastleHillHigh School

Castle St Castle Hill NSW 2154

  1. ChatswoodHigh School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre

24 Centennial Ave Chatswood NSW 2067

  1. CherrybrookTechnologyHigh School

28-44 Purchase Rd Cherrybrook NSW 2126

  1. DavidsonHigh School

Mimosa St Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

  1. EppingBoysHigh School

213 Vimiera Rd Eastwood NSW 2122

  1. GalstonHigh School

403 Galston Rd Galston NSW 2159

  1. HuntersHillHigh School

Reiby Rd Hunters Hill NSW 2110

  1. KillarneyHeightsHigh School            

Starkey St Killarney Heights NSW 2087

  1. Ku-ring-gaiHigh School

Bobbin Head Rd Turramurra North NSW 2074

  1. MarsdenHigh School and Marsden Intensive English Centre

22a Winbourne St West Ryde NSW 2114

  1. MosmanHigh School

Military Rd Mosman NSW 2088

  1. MuirfieldHigh School

Barclay Rd North Rocks NSW 2150

  1. NarrabeenSportsHigh School

10 Namona St Narrabeen North NSW 2101

  1. Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Balgowlah Boys Campus

Maretimo St Balgowlah NSW 2093

  1. Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Cromer Campus

South Creek Rd Cromer NSW 2099

  1. Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Freshwater Senior Campus

Harbord Rd Harbord NSW 2096

  1. Northern BeachesSecondaryCollege Mackellar Girls Campus

Campbell Pde & Quirk Rd Manly Vale NSW 2093

  1. PittwaterHigh School

Pittwater Rd & Mona St Mona Vale NSW 2103

  1. RiversideGirlsHigh School

Huntleys Point Rd Gladesville NSW 2111

  1. RydeSecondaryCollege

Malvina St Ryde NSW 2112

  1. St Ives High School

Yarrabung Rd St Ives NSW 2075

  1. The ForestHigh School              

135 Frenchs Forest Rd Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

  1. TurramurraHigh School

Maxwell St Turramurra South NSW 2074

  1. WilloughbyGirlsHigh School

Mowbray Rd Willoughby NSW 2068



Western Sydney (シドニーの西側より若干北) に位置する高校

☆Western Sydney (シドニーの西側より(北西)) に位置する高校☆




  1. ArthurPhillipHigh School

Smith St Parramatta NSW 2150

  1. BlacktownBoysHigh School

Sunnyholt Rd & Fifth Ave Blacktown NSW 2148

  1. CrestwoodHigh School 

17 Chapel Lane Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

  1. CumberlandHigh School

183 Pennant Hills Rd Carlingford NSW 2118

  1. EvansHigh School

Walters Rd Blacktown NSW 2148

  1. GlenmoreParkHigh School

Glenmore Parkway Glenmore Park NSW 2745

  1. GreystanesHigh School

Beresford Rd Greystanes NSW 2145

  1. JamisonHigh School

222 Evans St Penrith South NSW 2750

  1. MacarthurGirlsHigh School

Macarthur St Parramatta NSW 2150

  1. MitchellHigh School

Keyworth Drive Blacktown NSW 2148

  1. ModelFarmsHigh School

Gooden Drive Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

  1. NorthmeadHigh School

Campbell St Northmead NSW 2152

  1. ParramattaHigh School

Great Western Hwy & Pitt St Parramatta NSW 2150

  1. Rooty HillHigh School

North Pde Rooty Hill NSW 2766

  1. St Marys Senior High School

Kalang Ave St Marys NSW 2760

  1. The HillsSportsHigh School 

Best Rd Seven Hills NSW 2147

  1. WyndhamCollege

Nirimba Precinct Eastern Rd Quakers Hill NSW 2763




特徴: シドニー中心より電車で40分以上の地区なので自然があり、静かで勉強には最適な環境です。物価もシドニー中心と比べると若干安いです。付近は静かな住宅街なので夜出歩くには少し暗いです。







  1. Ashfield Boys High School                

117 Liverpool Rd Ashfield NSW 2131

  1. Blakehurst High School

270A Woniora Rd Blakehurst NSW 2221

  1. Burwood Girls High School  

Queen St Croydon NSW 2132

  1. Canterbury Boys High School 

Holden St Canterbury NSW 2193

  1. Canterbury Girls High School

Church St Canterbury NSW 2193

  1. Cronulla High School

Captain Cook Drive Cronulla NSW 2230

  1. Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design

Seaview St Dulwich Hill NSW 2203

  1. Endeavour Sports High School

Taren Pt Rd & The Boulevarde Caringbah NSW 2229

  1. Georges River College Hurstville Boys Campus

Kenwyn St Hurstville NSW 2220

  1. Georges River College Oatley Senior Campus

Oatley Ave & Hurstville Rd Oatley NSW 2223

  1. Georges River College Peakhurst Campus

Samuel & Rona Sts Peakhurst NSW 2210

  1. Georges River College Penshurst Girls Campus

2 Austral St Penshurst NSW 2222

  1. Gymea High School

Hotham Rd & Princes Hwy Gymea NSW 2227

  1. J J Cahill Memorial High School

Sutherland St Rosebery NSW 2018

  1. James Cook Boys High School

Princes Hwy Kogarah NSW 2217

  1. Kingsgrove High School

Kingsgrove Rd Kingsgrove NSW 2208

  1. Kingsgrove North High School

St Albans Rd Kingsgrove NSW 2208

  1. Kogarah High School and Kogarah Intensive English Centre

Gladstone St Kogarah NSW 2217

  1. Marrickville High School and Marrickville Intensive English Centre

Northcote St Marrickville NSW 2204

  1. Menai High School           

40 Gerald Rd Menai NSW 2234

  1. Moorefield Girls High School

Princes Hwy Kogarah NSW 2217

  1. Port Hacking High School

Kingsway Miranda NSW 2228

  1. Randwick Boys High School

Rainbow & Avoca Sts Randwick NSW 2031

  1. Randwick Girls High School

Barker St Randwick NSW 2031

  1. Rose Bay Secondary College

Hardy St Dover Heights NSW 2030

  1. South Sydney High School

Paine St Maroubra NSW 2035

  1. Sydney Secondary College Balmain Campus

Terry St Rozelle NSW 2039

  1. Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus

Taylor St Glebe NSW 2037

  1. Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus

Balmain Rd Leichhardt NSW 2040

  1. Sylvania High School

Bellingara Rd Sylvania NSW 2224

  1. Tempe High School

Unwins Bridge Rd Tempe NSW 2044

  1. The Jannali High School

Sutherland Rd Jannali NSW 2226


特徴: シドニーの中心に位置する学校なだけあって、何をするにももっとも便利な場所だと言えます。 映画、カフェ、レストランなんでもあります!!交通のアクセスもいいので、どこの場所から学校に通うのも簡単でしょう。












11,12年生(Senior Secondary)では日本ではいう









日本 オーストラリア
高校1年生 10年生
高校2年生 11年生
高校3年生 12年生




